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Order of the Red Grail
Nebraska Community

May 1st, 1996

Clean and charge the area.
Have discussion about Beltane during this step.
Cleanse the folks in pairs.
Salt Water on foreheads.
Cast the circle.
Have the students call to the quarters as HP traces and casts.
Spirit of the East, spirit of air,
of morning and springtime:
Be with us as the sun rises,
in times of beginning,
times of platning.
Inspire us with the fresh breath of courage
as we go forth into new adventures.
Spirit of the South, spirit of fire,
of noontime and summer:
Be with us through the heat of the day
and help us to be ever growing.
Warm us with strength
and energy for the work that awaits us.
Spirit of the West, spirit of water,
of evening and autumn:
Be with us as the sun sets
and help us to enjoy a rich harvest.
Flow through us with a cooling,
healing quietness and bring us peace.
Spirit of the North, spirit of earth,
of nightime and winter:
Be with us in the darkness,
in the time of gestation.
Ground us in the wisdom of the changing seasons
as we celebrate the spiraling journey of our lives.When circle is cast, HP & HPS will say:
HP: This we know. The Earth does not belong to us; we belong to theearth.
HPS: This we know. All things are connected like the blood which unitesone family.
HP: All things are connected.
HPS: Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons and daughters of theearth.
HP: We did not weave the web of life; We are mearly a strand in it.
HPS: Whatever we do the the web, we do to ourselves.
Both: So Mote it Be.
The Work:
Celebration time.
HP goes off to assume the role of the Lord of the Hunt
HPS goes off to assume the role of the May Queen
While HP & HPS gone, song:
Concierto de Aranjuez: Allegro con spirito
May Queen enters circle, coyly hiding behind people. Lord of the Hunt comesafter her, chasing. It's a bit of play, Flirt and run. Chase with scarf. Coveners need chant.
Lord will catch her, they kiss, Lord falls to the death position.
HPS calls a man and a women by name (Students) to stand about the Lord. Together, they shroud the Lord's head.
HPS Says:
The Lord of the Hunt is dead. He has embraced the Great Mother and diedof his love; so it has been, year by year, since time began. Yet if theLord of the Hunt is dead--who is the God of the Waxing Year--all is dead;the fields bear no crops, trees bear no fruit, and the creatures of tehGreat Mother bear no young. What shall we do, therefore, that the Lordof the Hunt may live again?
Coven responds : Kindle the Bel-fire!
HPS: So mote it be!
HPS calls another male and female by name and instructs them to take theGod and Goddess candles from the alter and light the fire. Once lit, thecandles are returned. As the fire is being lit, all recite:
Fire of the Spirt,
Life of the lives of creatures,
Spiral of sanctity,
Bond of all natures,
Glow of charity,
Lights of clarity,
Taste of sweetness to the fallen,
Be with us and hear us.
Composer of all things,
Joy in the Glory of life,
Strong honor,
Be with us and hear us.HPS: Come back to us, Lord of the Hunt, that the land may be fruitful.
HP rises, says:
I am the stag of seven tines;
I am a wide flood on a plain;
I am a wind on the deep waters;
I am a shining tear of the sun;
I am a hawk on a cliff;
I am fair among flowers;
I am a god who sets the head afire with smoke.HPS and HP lead Coveners to the May Pole. Those who wish, grab a strand. Song as the dance begins:
Slavonic Dance No. 1 in C Major.
Ground Energy
Cakes & Wine
Close the Circle
Take some time to drum and sing around the fire. Those who wish may leapthe Bel-Fire for good luck.
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