Since we will be using a new space, HP will go there ahead of time toscout it out and clean up any physical stuff out of the working space. Since it is new space, before folks get there, HP will perform the followingto help make the space suitable for folks:
When the preparation has been completed, the altar can be set up. Placethe quarter candles.
Instruct the Green Man and Maiden with their roles.
Have people form a physical circle in the space. Try to alternate Guestswith Students and Initiates.
Any who wish may put pictures of loved ones on the altar.
Talk about Lammas and about the Circle for the folks. Have an Initiatetalk about the significance of Lammas.
Trace the outline of the Circle with the appropriate tool.
The HP shall take up incense, a censer or a smudge stick and cleanse thegathered body, or assign a suitable male to do so.
The HPS will purify the folks with salt water (mark on forehead), or assigna woman to do so.
HPS Charges Athame by passing it through each of the elements representedon the altar in turn as she says:
HP Takes up the bowl of salt and says:
Blessed be the salt that purifies that which it touches; bones of the earth,bane of the unclean. Be consecrated and bound to our purpose: To makewhole that which is broken, to Heal that which is unwell, to rejoice inthe Glory of the Earth our mother. As it is willed, so mote it be.
He replaces the bowl of salt upon the altar and takes up the chalice ofwater into which she places three pinches of salt. He then consecratesit saying:
Salt and Water, Inner and Outer, Soul and Body be cleansed! Cast out allthat is harmful. Take in all that is healing. By the power of the Motherof all Life and her Lover the Horned God, as it is willed, so mote it be!
The HPS picks someone to asperge the Circle and hands that person the chaliceof salt water and the aspergium. The Asperger shall begin in the East sprinklingthe quarter three times saying:
When finished, s/he returns the chalice and aspergium to the HP or HPSwho replaces them on the altar.
HPS designates someone to cense the Circle and hands the person the censer/incenseand a feather. The censor shall begin in the East censing the quarter threetimes saying:
When finished, s/he returns the equipment to the HP or HPS who replacesthem on the Altar.
I invoke thee, o Circle of power, to be a meeting place of love and joyand truth, a shield against all danger and a space between the worlds. I bless and consecrate thee in the name of the Lady and of the Lord. Asit is willed, So mote it Be!
HP steps to the Eastern quarter of the Circle and all members turn to faceEast, raising their right palms to the direction as the Circle is cast. With his Athame in his right hand the HP salutes the Earth, lays the Athameover his heart, and then salutes the heavens. He uses his Athame to tracean invoking pentagram of Earth, calling astrally to the Guardians of thedirection. When the tracing of the pentagram is complete he speaks thesummons aloud:
From the center of the pentagram he traces the circle deosil to the southwhere he repeats the above as appropriate for the direction, continuingaround the Circle until returning to the East. Then the HP steps to thecenter of the Circle and traces the Wheel of Spirit overhead saying:
Source of all, we bid thee come. Make this circle one of wholeness, whereall paths may meet as one.
Then the HP kneels and places her hands upon the ground saying:
He stands, raises his arms wide as he faces the gathering and proclaims:
The HP turns to the altar. Together, the HP and HPS invoke the Goddessand the God.
HP will strike the Listrum (3) times. This will be the signal to beginthe mystery.
Green Man will chase the Maiden into the circle (have gate cut, close whenentered).
Have Green Man chase Maiden around the circle (weaving in and out) threetimes. Have gathered body clap during the chase.
When they have made the third pass, the Maiden will turn to face the GreenMan who gives her the chalice, and then falls dead.
Maiden will move forward and remove the Greenman's head piece and cloak. Greenman will then take his place in the circle. Place the items on theAltar.
Maiden gives the HPS the chalice with the corn. Coven will start drummingand making other solemn noise. HPS will approach each member of the circle,saying:
When done, she will place the chalice of corn on the altar.
Those who wish to drum will do so, the others will start chanting and circlethe altar with the a chant.
returned to her original position, all gathered will let out a shoutto release the energy.
HP will bless the cakes, HPS will bless the drink.
Wine and Cakes
Open the Circle.
Eat, Drink, and be merry!