Cleanse and charge the ritual space in the usual ways.
Cleanse each other via the Coleman technique:
Have group pair up
Brush shoulders 3-5 times
Brush back 3-5 times
Brush shoulders 3-5 times
Place hand just over head, have it hover there for a few moments,then draw energy up from the Earth through the person.
Change places and repeat.
Brief talk about growth. It is a season of growth, of new things budding. New ideas coming to fruition. We are beginning to see our plans actualize. Brief open discussion about growth.
Meditation, bud on stem opening up. Feeling the senses. Folks have firmlyin mind the things that are growing in their lives.
Flowers on altar, many. Bowl of water. After med., HPS or her chosen personwill pass out flowers saying something akin to "Like this flower, mayyour goals bloom".
One by one, folks will move to the center of the circle, break the floweroff of the stem, and float the flower in the bowl of water, publicly orprivately stating their budding goals.
Dance around the altar, raising energy. Chant:
We all come from the Goddess, and to her we shall return Like a drop of rain, flowing to the ocean.
We all come from the God, and to him we shall return Like a spark of flame, floating up into the sky.