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Order of the Red Grail
Nebraska Community

What's New?
18 March, 2002
Well, as I promised, the update was less than 2.5 years, it only took 2 years and 2 months!
There isn't really a lot different on the web here. A few tucks and nips. In the near future (i.e., anytime before 2004) we will be having a major overhaul of the site.
What we have been doing is going through a 'dark time' -- nothing negative, merely a time for the group to focus on the group rather than on our external work. Covens are interesting things. Just like plants, they sometimes need to go into the dark so they can be healthy. Pleased to say that Order continues to grow as a healthy organization.
We are often asked about becoming a student in the Order. The newest thing on the site is a page describing this process. While we don’t actively solicit students, there are enough inquiries that we felt it prudent to explain the process.
Feel free to provide any feedback regarding the site or anything related to the Order. Pax. – Weaver.
19 January, 2000
As you can see, it's been a long time since I updated this particular page. What's new since July 25 of 1997? Darn near everything! The schedule for 2000 is up so if you've been looking and haven't seen it updated, look again!
As of today we are a Barnes and Noble affiliate book store. I've included a list of books I think are fantastic for a variety of reasons. As I get some others to help, this page will be broken into a series of pages, my picks, Dove's picks, Helion's picks, and so forth.
Look around and enjoy! I will try to not take 2.5 years or so to update this section again!
25 July, 1997
After over seven months, I've finally found the time to update and workwith the page!
Two papers have been added to the list of academic papers. When the Winds Cease to Sing: The Rape of Native Spirituality and An Excursion into the Mind of C. G. Jung: Father of Analytic Psychology. The charts on the article on spirtuality and religiosity have been fixed and are readable now!
The Order of the Red Grail is an incorporated entity now. Our 501 (c3)is getting ready to be sent off to the IRS here soon. This will make usa recognized church by the government.
Keep tuned to new events. I promise that more and more will be added withouthalf a year in between!
Blessed Be, Jason
12 January, 1997
Well, to start with, this section is new on this day!
Also, the ritual pages have been put online. A lot of outlines for justabout all your ritual needs. Feel free to cut an paste from them at will.
The Grail Schedule is now online. If you want to see what we are up too,that's the place to look. Our calander year of classes and open ritualsare there for you to examine.
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