Order of the Red Grail
Nebraska Community

Red Grail Rituals

The following rituals are broken down in two categories, Full Moons andHolidays. Holidays consist of the four solar holidays (the Equinox's andSolsti) and the four cross-quarter days (Imbolc, Beltane, Lammas, and Samhain). Most of these are rough outlines, but should prove of some use to peoplelooking to do some ritual design. I do not suggest that you take our ritualand just do it on your own, but rather that you use it as a resource tohelp you design your own ritual.

Full Moons: These rituals have been performed at the Unitarian Church inLincoln as open celebrations for all interested and curious to attend. Only a few actually made thier way to our data base. We have been doingthese for a year now, and a scheduled for the whole of 1997.

Holidays: Some of these were closed events, some were open. We closedour holiday workings after Lammas. The full moon closest to the holidayacted as our open celebration for the holidays.